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Our Work

Our Passion, Our Love, Our Home. 

Learn why we came together and what we're doing about it.

Apres Bondie C'est La Tere

After God, the Earth

Dominica's Motto

Dominican life, culture, and economy revolves around nature.  From nature, we get our clean air, clean water, and fertile soil.  We sing and dance in celebration of the life it has given us.  In the face of climate change, it is time to ensure that our island, our traditions, and our way of life survive for our generation and those to come.

This Nature Isle has the highest density of volcanoes of any country producing features such as the second largest boiling lake in the world and a bubbling reef called Champagne.

Why Dominica?

Nature is not a place to visit.  It is HOME. 

~ Gary Snyder

Situated in the middle of the Caribbean Archipelago, Dominica is globally known as the Nature Isle of the Caribbean.  As the youngest island in the region, its landscape is still widely changing.


What makes us so special?


365 Rivers 

Dominica has an abundance of freshwater, so much so that the island is rumored to have 365 rivers - one for every day of the year.


9 Volcanoes

This Nature Isle has the highest density of volcanoes of any country producing features such as the second largest boiling lake in the world and a bubbling reef called Champagne.


60% Forested

The last in the Caribbean to be colonized, Dominica is largely untouched by modern development. 20% of the island's forest is protected.

Watercolor Butterfly 7

Unique Biodiversity

Dominica is home to a unique variety of endemic and regionally endemic species.  For some, this island is their last hope.


How We Do It

Species Preservation & Research


Community Engagement & Public Awareness

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